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Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainable Supply Chain
Globally there are many cases where Brands with the best intentions, audit schemes and systems still face bad media reputation..
Supplier Code of Conduct Audits
Supplier Code of Conduct Audits
In terms of “lean manufacturing”, audits could be adding cost but not real value. That’s where the GSUK assists you.
Labour Standards Assurance System
Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS)
Labour standards assurance system is mandatory requirement from Public sector UK specifically for anyone supplying goods..
Beyond Social Audit
Beyond Audit
The brands and retailers are engaged to improve social standards in their supply chains for many decades. The plethora of social audit schemes
MDR Compliance
MDR Compliance
MDR is a new regulation for medical device industry. This new regulation is a huge challenge because of its stringent..
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery
UN Sustainable Development Goals now call for an end to slavery by 2030. As a result modern slavery legislation introduced and impacted
Supply Chain Risks
Social Compliance
With the introduction of Modern slavery and Social Value Act it is becoming important for public and private sectors across Europe to have transparent supply chains.
Social Dialogue
Social Dialogue
Social dialogue is one of the most important methodology to identify industrial challenges, flourish culture of adaptability and conclude mutual agreements.